Alexia Cundy

Alexia Cundy


“I am normally energised, healthy, happy, content, all those good things but it’s been a while, it’s been quite a journey, a journey that I am grateful to have met Douglas on.

Two years ago I was diagnosed with Crohn’s Disease and it took a lot out of me. I was extremely tired, barely eating any foods without experiencing pain, my body ached and life was just miserable. Eating is a big part of life and I could no longer go out socially as I was too uncomfortable.

Fortunately a friend of mine introduced me to Douglas, I was quite open to what he had to offer, I didn’t have much faith if I am honest but I thought I have got to give it a go. It wasn’t long until I felt I was energized again. I was working long hours at the time and that was taking it out of me too, I felt that I definitely got more energy from seeing Douglas.

“Permanent relief for Crohn’s sufferer”

It’s been a year now that I have had treatment with him, I can go out and eat ice cream, I can eat chocolate, I can eat crisps – all the things that are bad for you and I enjoy it and feel good about myself. I have had tests recently for my Crohn’s Disease and it’s looking positive. If you were to ask me to describe the treatments with Douglas, I would say no matter how I was feeling before hand, it wouldn’t be long until I was very warm and content and feeling good inside, its almost as if all the stress or anxiety or aches or pains would just be taken away from me.

Sometimes I would get uncomfortable but it would not be long before it was gone and most of the time I would fall asleep but I would wake up after and I would feel like I had been on holiday.

What I would say to a sceptic about Douglas is if you are not feeling well and you have tried everything, Douglas can help. What’s it going to take 20 minutes, 40 minutes of your time? If it doesn’t work, you have laid down and got some rest, if it does, your life will change forever.”