Positivity via Psychic Energy

Positivity via Psychic Energy

Have you ever wondered about Psychic Energy?


Do you know that feeling when you really connect with someone? Not just in a romantic sense, but maybe just as friends, colleagues, inspirational and spiritual connections. There can be a real sense of electricity and excitement, a heightened energy, a sense of a deep line and bond that can last a short time or a lifetime. It is not just a physical thing, or mental, intellectual, chemical (pheromones), non-verbal gestures or anything a psychologist would attribute to connecting behaviourally; it is more like a connection of Life Energy.


You may know the saying ‘that person just saw through me’. So few of us have the gift of Insight reading people at a very deep level; this should be nothing surprising and seen as a gift that can help others manage their lives better. The famous psychologist Sigmund Freud said that ‘people continuously generate psychic energy, but only a certain amount is available for use at any one point in time’. Indeed, that is the limitation of the human mind. However, the ability to channel Universal Healing Energy is not limited to the resources of the human mind. This rare gift of Healing can also open a channel to reading lives.


Let me explain more. We all have a mind and body connection; we are also inseparable between ourselves and our environment. As the body moves, the shadow (our environment) moves. When looking deeply into a person, through their mind, through their body, an image of them operating in their environment occurs, like energy patterns stretching out in front of them. This is not seeing the future (as that has not yet happened) but the way the person and their environment is panning out.


Here is an example story of an Insight Reading from my website www.douglasballard.com:


“I came to have an appointment with Douglas via a friend recommending him. I had written a book and I really needed direction and guidance regarding several aspects of my book. My friend said that she had found Douglas very informative in her appointment with him, so I was very interested in seeing him.
The day the appointment arrived I met Douglas, he was very warm and relaxed as a person and I felt immediately comfortable. Douglas began by sharing a great deal of information and guidance regarding what he felt was the direction I should take my book in. Initially, he talked about me and my confidence and how I needed to look at areas like that. He really was very intuitive about me, obviously I hadn’t told him anything directly, he just knew me, it was just amazing. Then he went further, into things I should literally change within my book, about the title, the flow of the book, certain words I should use and it was absolutely inspirational. He had never seen my book and yet he knew everything that was in it, I was astounded, he knew exactly what needed to be changed.
I went ahead and changed all these details in my book, with Douglas’ advice, so that it had a much better flow and a better title – I had a very amateur title. As a result, I was absolutely blessed to win two awards in the London book festival and the Paris book festival. So, I absolutely feel that without his direction and guidance my book wouldn’t have achieved those awards.”


For me, the real thing that matters is that I was able to help someone along their life journey at a critical point where decisions and direction were particularly difficult. Actually, I hardly remember any of the contents of each reading as it comes from a different place and I often ask clients to recount them to me. It is a joy and a wonder when I get feedback like the above story and this one below:


“A regular client of Douglas for 10 years in the Algarve, she said it was inevitable that she should talk to him about what was happening in her life, and it was from there that she also discovered what she described as the amazing power of his readings. “I wanted to sell my house in order to move to something smaller and more practical,” she said. “There were so many complications with the property, and I was becoming quite depressed about the whole process. In a series of readings with Douglas everything to do with the sale of my house was laid out in front of me. I was given a timetable of when the buyer would first appear and when the contract would finally be signed. I was told about the buyer; his nationality and the nationality of his wife, a physical description and even some character traits. I was given valuable advice about points to look out for in the contract he drew up which saved me thousands of pounds. What can I say? The whole process of selling the house went exactly according to the reading. It was like ticking items off a prewritten list. “As if that wasn’t enough, I had arranged for my son to dispose of some works of art through a well-known auction house in London. In an earlier session with Douglas, I was told that my works of art – which I had not mentioned to him at all – would be sold through another auction house. I confirmed that I was indeed selling but told him that it was another company. ‘I can only give you what I am being told,’ said Douglas. A couple of weeks later my son called to say that things had not worked out with the first auction house, so he had taken my works of art to exactly the company Douglas had said, who sold them very successfully! Friends who were at first very sceptical had second thoughts when it all unfolded exactly as predicted.”


Life and our rapidly changing World is very complex with shifts and variation and these have an impact upon our lives and the readings. Our lives are influenced by our environment as we are influenced by it. Major shifts and changes, like World disasters, wars, financial expansion and contraction, will all impact upon the picture of the present as it rolls out. Readings are of this moment and frequently prove to be very accurate, ‘spot-on’ as my clients say. With all these macro events, or even more direct changes – like jobs, relationships, births and deaths, timing can shift and it might be that these seen events/occurrences will happen a bit sooner or later. Sometimes, we can make big changes in our own life that will alter our own picture again. These readings are but extraordinary and penetrating snapshots into people’s lives and are a guide for our way forward like a lantern on a dark path Illuminating our way ahead.


Many clients tell me they are challenged by the fast pace of change in 2024. Every aspect of their lives seems to demand increased responsibility and they need mental support to stay positive. Post Pandemic work environments have gone through inevitable adjustments. Revised workplace scheduling, the threat of unemployment, the rapid rise in transport and living costs are hugely concerning and younger colleagues, in particular, require encouragement to adapt.


At home, their families are relying on them too. For children and young adults who have lived through educational disruption continued assistance is vital. We all worry that Smartphone dependency is harmful to adolescents as is exposure to misinformation and negativity on social media. Older family members in our increasingly digital world often struggle to access healthcare, banking and many services they previously took for granted.


These clients feel compelled to remain mentally positive, stay healthy and active and to avoid taking risks. How else can they safeguard the future well-being of themselves and their families? A positive outlook is the first step to reducing mental stress and anxiety.


Please contact me on douglas@dbi.uk.net if you would like would to make an appointment.

Douglas Ballard is an accomplished international Energy Healer. Douglas is down to earth and very approachable. Currently practicing in Belgravia, London, Douglas is well recognised for his success in treating anxiety, stress, exhaustion, immune-related illness, back, shoulder and post-operative pain. Clients nearly always experience a sense of calm, unwinding and relief on their path to wellbeing. Douglas’s Energy Healing touch works extremely well alongside conventional therapy, helping to mitigate and restore the harsh side-effects of drug treatment, surgery and radiotherapy.