Psychic Insight – A Map of Our Life Journey
Do you feel you would benefit from a Positivity Re-set in 2025?
Many of us have a tradition at the end of each year of reviewing our lives and the progress made over the year. In 2024 the pace of change seemed to accelerate making it harder to balance all our essential responsibilities either work, home and family or personal and we need to stay positive.
Could a Psychic Reading guide you in the right direction?
What Psychics see are people’s lives at a very deep level, their patterns and their energies streaming out in front of them. In effect, we read these energy patterns a bit like seeing and describing ‘human maps’. These insights or readings can really help us to manage our inner energy and anxieties giving direction and warning of difficulty panning out in front of us, so we can better navigate our way forward. Without a clear map, it is hard to know how to move on. Our minds can become obscured by the mass of thought and worry, like having too many radio signals transmitting all at once. How can we hear our inner voice and make good decisions? How can we calm down the dialogue in our heads whilst attending to all those around us? Psychics help with their readings, though, of course, it is also about how we listen. Unfortunately, some people only want to hear good news. Life always presents us with opportunities to grow but not always in the way we would like and these readings can help us to face any challenges on the journey to a better way. Often these ‘life-opportunities’ are the chance to grow stronger.
I can help you to see a pathway ahead.
We all need a map in the Journey-of-our-Life to guide us. We study knowledge, we have accumulated experience and we may use a religious or spiritual path but still we cannot see how our future will unfold. Daily life can drown us in decisions from choosing careers, employees or partners in our personal lives to our children’s schooling and how to support them when they need us. All these big and small moments can really be helped with insights that derive from a higher place. Psychic Insight, observing our lives from a higher place, reveals an extraordinary perspective – like the energy paths stretching out in front of us offering both warnings and encouragement to believe in ourselves.
Sometimes moments of uncertainty can be so great they delay us making decisions. A map will not in itself change this but at least we can see a route towards hope and self-belief. Psychic Readings are these maps and truly deep insights into our lives. They also change as we change, like walking from one hilltop to another, the landscape changes and we need to re-evaluate and consult again. The psychic map needs to be understood for what it is, a map only, you still have to take the action. Staring at the ground will not walk it for you. It is wise to follow all the guidance and not just take the good parts, ignoring the rest. Journeys take time to travel and it is really important to value all aspects of your journey with the help of the Insight given to you. This provides the self-confidence to believe in ourselves.
Psychic Readings can assist the healing process for everybody. The mind calms down and is able to hear and to see more clearly which can in itself improve our health and general well-being. The messages you receive will help guide your mind and body the best way towards positivity.
Examples of how these psychic consultations have helped people are on my website This one of a senior manager in advertising comes to mind:
“I originally met Douglas whilst he was (successfully) helping to heal my back pain. We talked at length about myself and my work. I have done personal development work before so, something with which I was comfortable. What I didn’t expect was significantly different; Douglas opened up my mind to new possibilities, enabling me to see ways to address the issues I was facing within my business, how to move forward in my life and improve my work performance. His energy has a way of helping me see many more possibilities like guidance and direction from within, rather than being instructed. His healing and psychic insight gave me with the energy and drive to follow my intuition, what my body was saying to me on a day-to-day basis, making me stronger so I was not led by my mind but by my energy. I have a new-found sense of direction and enthusiasm to put my goals personal and business into action; a motivation and dynamism setting my energies to work. Yes, I am very grateful for that support and thank you Douglas.”
Please contact me on if you would like would to make an appointment.

Douglas Ballard is an accomplished international Energy Healer. Douglas is down to earth and very approachable. Currently practicing in Belgravia, London, Douglas is well recognised for his success in treating anxiety, stress, exhaustion, immune-related illness, back, shoulder and post-operative pain. Clients nearly always experience a sense of calm, unwinding and relief on their path to wellbeing. Douglas’s Energy Healing touch works extremely well alongside conventional therapy, helping to mitigate and restore the harsh side-effects of drug treatment, surgery and radiotherapy.