June Goh

June Goh & Reuben

June was so impressed with Douglas’s healing she felt confident enough to let him help her autistic son, Reuben. June already had experience with healing whilst she was living in Moscow with Reuben, then aged three, and believes a healer helped reduce the severity of his condition.

Initially, over eight months, June and Reuben shared appointments with Douglas. After three half-our sessions her chronic lower back pain greatly improved and she could jump out of bed where she previously had to ease herself off. A more tangible sign of his healing was the disappearance of a hard pea-sized lump on the inside of her mouth. Ten years previously a similar lump had to be removed by a dentist.

“Reuben is now 12 and the healing has been more subtle and gradual” June comments. “His daily bad moods, angry tantrums and self-hitting have gone and he is much calmer and happier.

He now sleeps through the night where he previously unfailingly awoke at 2 to 3am, interrupting my sleep. His teacher reports that he learns concepts so much quicker and amazes them all with new phrases and spontaneous requests. He is less rigid about routines and more accepting of change. His autism has not gone; I did not expect a miracle cure but he is now a more loving and happy boy. A great change indeed!

Douglas has also provided guidance to help me understand Reuben’s autism and answered questions about my own personal development. He has been a great source of support and advice in times of trouble and strife and I cannot thank him enough for being truly reliable and trustworthy in his professionalism.”
